Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Day Before the Nite Before...

Howdy to ya'll and how ya'll were?
'Twas the day before the nite before Christmas and all through the house the food was on the table and we were standing about. The conversation ended and the food started to disappear, of that there is no doubt. It was all so good that we stuffed ourselves and then sacked out, (sorta).
The day of get together was a great success thanks to the hospitality of my sister and her husband. I got to see all my siblings and some of their offspring. The food was awesome and watching the youngsters play was totally enjoyable.
It is amazing how fast we are getting older, ...well, some of us are. The rest of us are just getting better.hehe
I know I haven't updated for a while so I thought I would hop to it and do it!!! There hasn't been a whole lot goin' on in this neck of the weeds, er woods. The trees have all lost their hair, uh leaves. The air has gone chilly and the smell of winter is on the breeze. The weather is mild and not quite to dreary, uh-oh now I done gone and got teary. Anyhow it is pleasant and it sure helps out on the heating bills.
I am enjoying my time off from school and am trying to get some things done around here.(eat, sleep, nap and fish). Friday was my last day at work for the rest of the year and I am sure that it will take me till next year to recuperate. All the hard work that I am trying to get done is sure to wear me out. right?
Well I don't want to wear you out reading this so, I will let you go. Just remember, the more that you do is less for me to have to take care of. Thankeee --Thankeee --Thankee!!!!
Be good, Poppi


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