Sunday, May 20, 2007

Taggo it Is

Howdy ya'll,
Here it is another purty day and I found out that I was taggededed a couple days ago. Lucky me, I finally decided to check out my comments...Right?
Well, here goes nothing and I hope it ain't too cheezey:

1. Puzzles? Enjoy 'em but don't do 'em. It seems in the past that every time I would work on one that my Queeny would help and then come down with the Egyptian Flu. For those of you that have never heard of it, this "flu" is a serious condition and usually within nine months of contracting it you become a "Mummy". So....Puzzles are OUT!

2. Nail Biting? Don't do that either. It seems that all the different work that I do there is always the possibility of residue that somehow remains under my nail. I figured out after one or two episodes that I hated the taste and I never developed a passion for unknown particles. Also, having grown up on a farm, I quickly found out that mucking the barn and nail biting are not conducive to each other and leaves a VERY bad aftertaste!!!!!!!!

3. Fishing? Like it, Love it, want some more of it. And since my Queenie is interested in it I can't get enough of it. (I have too many projects to get done while I am off school this semester and it really hampers my chance to go.)

4. Saving? I try to save money but it seems that there is always something to buy, so, I save things. Usually whatever I throw away will be needed within the next few days and...If I would have saved what I threw away I would not have to spend good money to NOW go buy it. This is also one reason I worry...What I worry about never happens!!! So, see worrying IS good. hehe

5. Reading? I enjoy reading but have little time for it. I love the way a good book can take you away and relieve stress. However the return to reality is a little bumpy.

6. Questions? I have plenty!! Since I will never have a chance to get them all answered I will just continue to figure out what I can and let the rest go. Live, Learn, Pay taxes, and Die and forget it all!!!

7. Business? I've got a good head for business...She's called Queenie!!!! I could do it, but she's so much better at figureing out how to rob Peter to pay Paul and stretching a dollar fifty different ways that there is no need for me to meddle in those affairs. She is so nifty at it that, if she could shake the powder out of George's hair and sell it, she would. (Lucky for Geo. he's dead)

8. Food? I am all for it. I love fresh veggies. Ever hear of tomatoes and green beans??? What with me being a diabetic and all, I fortunately don't crave sweets and have a passion for REAL food. I could eat meat and veggies all day long and would still be glad to let YOU have the desert and candy. Fact: This morning I made a fresh vegetable and sausage omelet for breakfast since that is what my boy asked for. I know my food addiction shows but then again I look at it this way, It took years of careful and selective investment to acheive the figure I have today.

I reckon since I was taggeded, I let ya in on some secrets about me and hope I didn't ruin your day with my ramblin'. This is the first taggin' I responded to and now I understand the sayin',
"I've come to the age that happy hour is a nap!!"
Ya'll be good,


At 9:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yo, Poppi!! How's it going??? Me thinks an updation would be a good thing.... it's been almost a month!! :D



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